Because RoboForm is an installed application on your computer, you can drag-and-drop the password files to move them among folders. If you're not online, you cannot access LastPass passwords. With LastPass, you must click on the login button on the toolbar. The first time you try to access RoboForm, it prompts for your passwords before completing the command. Does the product get in the way or enhance your productivity? (I realize I may be somewhat bias'd due to how long I've used RoboForm.) The sync function is GoodSync product specifically locked down to only work with RoboForm data.Īssuming that both products are secure (which I do), and they both work on your platform, then the most important criteria is usability. With RoboForm, you can either copy the individual files to another computer, or you can use their sync function. Due to LastPass storing your password files on their computers, you can easily access all of them from any web browser. For example, while RoboForm stores your passwords in individual encrypted files on your hard drive, LastPass stores all your passwords on their servers. So we see both products' features are very similar, their implementations are quite different. RoboForm also charges $10 for each additional license, where again LastPass is free. While you'll pay $30 for RoboForm, LastPass is free, which is attractive for new users. Both tools also let you organize your passwords through placing them in folders you define. RoboForm and LastPass also provide secure password generators. They both have automatic form filling (by allowing you to store common used data) and secure notes features. (While I didn't test LastPass on Safari or Chrome, nor on OS X/Macs and Linux, RoboForm is still new to Chrome and seems a bit buggy.) Both products also offer applets for popular Smart Phones. LastPass and RoboForm both work as a toolbars for Firefox, IE, and Chrome web browsers on Windows, while LastPass also works in Safari and on OS X/Macs and Linux. Let me give you a comparison of these two products, as they are quite similar in most cases. I installed LastPass last week, and disabled RoboForm, to see if LastPass could better meet my needs.

In January 2007, I wrote a post on how easy it is to use RoboForm, and how much simpler it has made it to manage passwords.Īs with any tool, we find their short-comings or flaws, so when something new comes along we try it to see if it works better. I've been a user of RoboForm for nearly 4 years, and its allowed me to have secure and unique passwords for all my websites, while only requiring me to remember one. (BTW: I'm still using version 6, as I have not ran into a situation that requires me to move to version 7.) Regardless, the RoboForm product is one of the few products I would pay for again over using any of the current open source solutions available. That being said, I cannot imagine a company surviving by charging a 1-time fee of $30.

I don't have my original purchase receipt, so I can't verify the legitimacy of the claim myself.
The RoboForm website indicated that any version 6 purchases made after are eligible for free upgrades to version 7.

The issue is that apparently their original purchase was for a lifetime of upgrades.
Updated Feb 18, 2011: I've received a few comments from people about the cost to upgrade from RoboForm version 6 to version 7.